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SQL-Level-2 Practice Sets


Learning objective

  • Be able to perform JOINS between tables
  • Be able to understand how HAVING clause works
  • Be able to perform GROUP and aggregations on data
  • Be able to implement Sub-querying and Common Table Expressions
  • Understanding CTE as great method for sub-querying


This practice sets would help you sharpen you SQL skills related to merging, grouping, aggregating, sorting data. It'd also help you strengthen your concepts around usage of sub-queries and CTEs to build complex SQL queries to solve business problems


This practice set requires you to work on the following scenarios : 

  • Scenario 1 : EMI Payments
  • Scenario 2 : Prepare Weekly Report
  • Scenario 3 : Prepare Product Summary


Given the practice sets are intended to apply the skills you learnt in Masterclasses to understand your strengths and shortcomings, following guidelines would help you gain the most from it :

  • Make an honest attempt solving the scenarios provided
  • Try not to jump into the hints/approaches provided immediately. Give some time to think/explore internet and try solving as much on your own as possible
  • You are free to clarify your doubts related to the scenarios with your Mentorbuddies
  • Once completed, click on View Submission and check the solutions provided
  • Compare your work with the provided solutions and in case of any issues, feel free to ask the Mentorbuddies

Best of luck!